
A historic picture, Google joins the party and a federal execution after 17 years

Art - Solar Orbitor
An artist's depiction of the Solar Orbiter approaching the Sun

During an online news briefing at 8 a.m. EDT Thursday, July 16, NASA and the ESA will release the first images and data recorded by the Solar Orbiter, a joint mission to study the Sun. You can watch the streaming live here.

The images would be from mid-June, when the Solar Orbiter made its first close pass of the Sun at 47 million miles (the distance between Earth and the Sun is 91 million miles). The images to be released are the closest any man made object has ever taken.

The mixed reality glasses from India

Jio Glass mockup
Reliance launched the Jio Glass during its Annual General Meeting 2020

In it's recently concluded annual general meeting, India's telecom giant Reliance Jio launched the "Jio Glass". The glass weighs just 75 grams and features functionalities like holograms and 3D virtual rooms. No price or launch date has been revealed as of now. Among other major announcements were Google's $4.5 billion investment in Reliance Jio, Joi's own 5g technology and Jio TV+.

Daniel Lewis Lee: First man to receive federal execution in 17 years

Daniel Lewis Lee mugshot
Lee was also a member of APR, a white supremacist organization

Back in January 1996 in Tilly Arkansas, Lee with his accomplice Chevie Kehoe, robbed and killed the gun dealer William Frederick Mueller along with his wife Nancy Ann Mueller and their 8-year-old daughter Sarah Elizabeth Powell. After a long fought battle, Lee was finally put to death on July 14, 2020, by the use of a single lethal injection. His partner in crime Chevie Kehoe is serving life sentence.